Saturday, September 15, 2012

Back To Business

We recently survived Back to School Night.

It's like tax day, dentist appointment, and jury duty rolled into a knot in my stomach, and it was the second epically long day in the week. A Tuesday.

This school is no fan of my family, as they make it abundantly clear, and after the poem incident this summer, I can't find much love in my heart for the school either.

So I did what I had to do.

I met one of my favorite girlfriends 30 minutes beforehand for a cocktail.

And I don't drink.

So it took my edge off.

See, ordinarily, since blogging = ceremonial venting for me, I would tell you about leaving before 7 a.m., returning at 8 p.m., and in between dealing with grumps and obstacles. But I got to hang out with an amazing friend and sip a girly drink and tell her my woes, so this might be the first year of Back to School Nights in my son's academic career that was not a thorough disappointment.

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