Wednesday, April 15, 2009


T-Shirts, get your t-shirts.

Um, I know Kyra is a lot more popular than me, and for excellent reasons, but people, listen up: I. Have. T-Shirts. Size? 5T. And I'm willing to dye them. Just. For. Your. Kid. This very weekend. I've been desperately seeking 5 kiddos on the spectrum who'd like a beautiful shirt to let them know that we think they are special, and that we support all the Alex Bartons of the world, and all the Roosters out there... But so far, has anyone signed up? Nada. C'mon, join the Alex Barton tye-dye for justice party. First five takers, come and get 'em.

No clue what I'm talking about? Head to


pixiemama said...

Oh, man. Jess has already wrangled us. And Foster's way bigger than 5T these days.

But I love you and I would take one for Finn and one for Sophie (which would mean that I would have to tie dye 15 shirts - and find homes for them. Oh god) if it makes you feel loved. I'll come to CA to watch your peeps for a weekend and make a mess of your wash machine. :)


Anonymous said...

how did it go? the t-shirt dying and sending? thanks so much for participating! you are AWESOME!!!