Friday, December 5, 2008

This is Good News - (but you know I'll still complain)

I am not a doctor, and I do not play one on tv. A Dean's List student, I had to flirt with classmates so that they would tutor me enough to help me maintain my C average in the two science classes they made me take en route to my BA. Call me Mrs. Right Brain, and forgive my poor explanations below as I tell you our good news (and, being me, still find a way to complain a little from the completely overwhelmed place I seemed to have moved to this last year).

At great long last, the doctor called to say that the second lead test was okay. OKAY! She said it wasn't perfect, but it was not enough to freak anyone out and take drastic action. Hurrah!

So did that mean the first test that showed high levels was wrong? A fluke? She said she doesn't know, but she wants to try to get some lead out of our boy's system through biomedical intervention. My weak interpretation of what she explained to me six ways from Sunday is this: based on two different methods of testing, she feels that he might have more lead than is healthy, and she'd like to raise levels of good elements in his body -- B6 and calcium, for example -- that either help him shed some of his lead or prevent him from absorbing it into his vital organs -- like his brain. She does not have reason to believe that too much has yet found its way into organs, and she does not think lead caused his challenges. Therefore, she is not at this time suggesting true chelation, or drawing out the metals through more medical means, as she says she does not feel this is warranted, though we may get a second opinion.

Of course, we are thrilled that the latest test came back with better news, and we remain concerned about our son having lead in his system, and we will do anything we can to help him. I asked the doctor, as I always do, "What side effects or down sides should we expect from your treatment plan?" She said, "It isn't cheap." What is? "And me might not like it." Ah. He never does. We can work with these side effects; we know them well, and they are certainly the lesser of many evils.

The Rooster will be getting B6 cream. If you feel even tempted for an instant to say that doesn't sound bad, I say poo poo poo to you. Kia might say, "COME ON, the kid has SPD, dooodz." But okay, I will figure out a way to rub lotion all over him every day without either of us getting hurt. And he needs calcium. Um, yes, this we always knew, and for almost a year we've tried a bagload of (costly) for that. Yes, we've already tried the chocolate liquid from Kirkman and mixed it into pretty much anything you can name. But we'll make it work. At least I just read about a new GFCF coconut yogurt that Whole Foods carries -- thanks, blogger, for posting that. (I'd link to it if I had enough memory, energy, and laptop battery; maybe later.) And, he's going to need some new pills, too. Well, sure. While he's getting more pills, I hope that someone gives a few to me. It already take two adults 20-30 minutes each morning and each night to administer the medicine he already takes...

If it sounds like I'm not elated that, after worrying for the past two weeks, my son's test did not show lead poisoning, just know it's because of my sketchy relationship with the universe, not a lack of gratitude. Call me superstitious, but know that inside I, for one, am definitely feeling a little less toxic.


Niksmom said...

Hey, feeling a little less toxic is a good start! :-) That's great news about the lead. xo

Anonymous said...

wow. i'm glad that it doesn't appear to be as bad as it did before. but. the cream. yikes. he's got spd, dooooodz! ;)

pills? you have to give him pills? and you succeed? you're my hero.

mama edge said...

New blogfriend for me! Yay!

One thing I've experimented with when it comes to creams is various temperatures. Rocky prefers his eczema cream slightly chilled (ask the pharmacy if you can refrigerate it before you try this). I myself like my lotion on the warm side. Taz, however, is a no-cream man all the way. I think our insurance should cover nurses (or professional wrestlers) to come to our homes for SPD cream applications.